arkutil | Young Hyun | RubyGem containing utility classes used by the Archipelago measurement infrastructure and the MIDAR alias-resolution system. | 一个被 Archipelago 测量基础框架和 MIDAR 别名分析系统使用的 RubyGem 工具 | 2012 | 2013 | 库:拓扑 | 无 | 无 | GNU GPL v2+ |
ARTEMIS | Vasileios Kotronis | Defense approach versus BGP prefix hijacking attacks | BGP前缀劫持攻击与防御方法 | 2018 | 2018 | 安全 | 包含 AS 通告的 BGP 前缀的配置文件 | 警报和 web 接口 | BSD 3-Clause |
AStraceroute (正在开发中) | Chiara Orsini | A Python tool that translates traceroutes into AS paths | 一个将 traceroute 结果转换到 aspath 的 python 工具 | 2016 | 2016 | 拓扑 | JSON 编码的 traceroute 数据 | JSON(aspath) | GNU GPL v3 |
Autofocus | Cristian Estan | Internet traffic reports and time-series graphs | 网络流量报告和时序图 | 2003 | 2003 | 工作量:可视化 | NetFlow data, pcap | 文字报告和时序图 | Research-use License |
Beluga | Ryan Koga | Interactive frontend to traceroute data | traceroute 数据的交互式前端 | 2002 | 2006 | 性能:可视化 | IP 地址 | 交互式 traceroute | Research-use License |
BGPstream | Alistair King | Open-source software framework for live and historical BGP data analysis, supporting scientific research, operational monitoring, and post-event analysis. | 用于实时和历史 BGP 数据分析的开源软件框架 支持科学研究 运营监控和事件后分析 | 2015 | 2018 | 拓扑:数据分析 | BGP 数据(如 MRT) | ASCII, C API, Python API | GNU GPL v2 |
Chart:Graph | David Moore | Perl front-end to GNU plot and Xmgrace | GNU plot 和 Xmgrace 的 perl 前端 | 2006 | 2013 | 库:绘图 | 无 | 2D 图 | GNU GPL v2 |
CoralReef | Ken Keys | Measures and analyzes passive Internet traffic monitor data | 测量和分析被动网络流量监控器数据 | 2000 | 2014 | 工作量:测量与分析 | 网络接口; DAG 采集卡; DAG, libpcap, 和 CoralReef 数据包 | 文字报告, 流量报告, CoralReef 数据文件 | Research-use License |
Corsaro | Alistair King | Extensible framework for large-scale analysis of passive trace data | 大规模分析被动跟踪数据的可扩展框架 | 2012 | 2014 | 工作量:测量与分析 | 被动追踪数据(pcap, 接口, 等) | 机器可解析文本, Corsaro 二进制数据文件 | GNU GPL v3+ |
Cuttlefish | Bradley Huffaker | Produces animated graphs showing diurnal and geographical patterns | 生成显示日间和地理模式的动画图形 | 2006 | 2006 | 地理:可视化 | Cuttlefish 输入文件时序图 (GIF) | GNU GPL v2 | |
DBATS | Ken Keys | High performance time series database engine optimized for inserting/updating values for many series simultaneously | 高性能时间序列数据库引擎针对同时插入/更新多个序列的值进行了优化 | 2016 | 2016 | 库:数据库 | 时序数据 | 时序数据 | GNU GPL v2+ |
dnsstat | Ken Keys | DNS traffic measurement utility | DNS 流量测量工具 | 1999 | 2006 | 工作量:DNS 分析 | pcap, 监控在 UDP 端口 53 上的 DNS 查询数据 | 文字报告 | Research-use License |
Henya | Young Hyun | Large-scale Internet topology query system which provides remote search of traceroute data without requiring data downloads | 大规模互联网拓扑查询系统,无需下载数据即可远程搜索 traceroute 数据 | 2016 | 2016 | 拓扑 | IP | web 界面, JSON 数据 | GNU GPL v3 |
Hyperbolic Graph Generator | Chiara Orsini | A set of tools to generate synthetic graphs embedded into a hyperbolic space and to test the greedy routing | 一组工具,用于生成嵌入双曲线空间的合成图并测试贪婪路由 | 2014 | 2014 | 拓扑和性能测量 | 双曲图参数 | hyperbolic in a text file | GNU GPL v3 |
iatmon | Nevil Brownlee | Ruby+C+libtrace analysis module that separates one-way traffic into clearly-defined subsets | Ruby + C + libtrace分析模块,可将单向流量分为明确定义的子集 | 2012 | 2014 | 工作量:测量与分析 | Network trace files, or a live network interface | text report (matrices, distributions and vectors as statistics of the one-way traffic) | GNU GPL v3 |
iffinder | Ken Keys | Discovers IPv4 addresses belonging to the same router (aliases) using the common source technique | 使用通用源技术发现属于同一路由器(别名)的IPv4地址 | 2001 | 2012 | 拓扑:别名分析 | IP | 文本文件 | Research-use License |
kapar | Ken Keys | Graph-based IP alias resolution | 基于图的 IP 别名解析 | 2011 | 2018 | 拓扑:别名分析 | scamper "warts" traces, iPlane traces, text files | alias and link text files | GNU GPL v2+ |
LibSea | Young Hyun | Scalable graph file format and graph library | 可扩展的图形文件格式和图形库 | 2000 | 2002 | 库:拓扑 | LibSea graph format files | N/A | GNU Lesser GPL |
libtimeseries | Alistair King | C library that provides a high-performance abstraction layer for efficiently writing to time series databases | 提供高性能抽象层的C库,可有效地写入时间序列数据库 | 2016 | 2019 | 库:数据库 | time series data | time series data | BSD 2-Clause |
Marinda | Young Hyun | A distributed tuple space implementation | 分布式元组空间实现 | 2015 | 2015 | Library: Middleware | N/A | N/A | GNU GPL v3 |
MIDAR | Ken Keys and Young Hyun | Identifies IPv4 addresses belonging to the same router (aliases) using shared monotonic IP ID counters | 使用共享的单调 IP ID 计数器标识属于同一路由器(别名)的 IPv4 地址 | 2011 | 2018 | Topology: Alias Resolution | traceroute data or list of addresses | alias sets (router addresses) | GNU GPL v2+ |
Motu | Alistair King | Dealiases pairs of IPv4 addresses | Dealiases pairs of IPv4 addresses | 2011 | 2011 | Topology: Alias Resolution | text input (candidate alias pairs) | text report and machine-parseable results | GNU GPL v2+ |
mper | Young Hyun | Probing engine for conducting network measurements with ICMP, UDP, and TCP probes | 使用 ICMP,UDP 和 TCP 探针进行网络测量的探测引擎 | 2011 | 2012 | Topology and Performance Measurement | N/A | N/A | GNU GPL v2+ |
Otter | Bradley Huffaker | Visualizes arbitrary network data | 可视化任意网络数据 | 1998 | 2003 | Topology: Visualization | Otter data file | interactive 2D graph, PDF | GNU GPL v2 |
Periscope Looking Glass API | Vasileios Giotsas | API to unify Looking Glass server queries and standardize output | 统一 Looking Glass 服务器查询并标准化输出的 API | 2015 | 2016 | 库:中间件 | JSON-encoded API request | JSON, iplane format, raw text format | Research-use License |
plot-latlong | Young Hyun | Plots points on geographic maps | 在地理地图上绘制点 | 2003 | 2005 | Geographic | text input (latitude/longitude pair) | geographical plot | Research-use License |
PlotPaths | Bradley Huffaker | Displays forward traceroute path data | 显示正向跟踪路由路径数据 | 2001 | 2002 | Topology: Visualization | text input files (paths file, nodes file) | Otter data file | Research-use License |
rb-mperio | Young Hyun | RubyGem for writing network measurement scripts in Ruby that use the mper probing engine | 用Ruby编写使用mper探测引擎的网络测量脚本 | 2011 | 2013 | Library: Topology Measurement | N/A | N/A | GNU GPL v2+ |
RouterToAsAssignment | Ken Keys | Assigns each router from a router-level graph of the Internet to its Autonomous System (AS) | 将每个路由器从 Internet 的路由器级别图分配给其自治系统(AS) | 2010 | 2010 | Topology | output from ITDK | text report (router to AS report) | Research-use License |
scamper | Matthew Luckie | IPv6 and IPv4 active traceroute probing and ping | IPv6 和 IPv4 主动 traceroute 探测 和 ping | 2004 | 2018 | Topology and Performance Measurement | IP destinations | text reports, "warts" binary file | GNU GPL v2 |
Spoofer | Ken Keys, Ryan Koga, and Robert Beverly | Source address validation measurement program that measures susceptibility to spoofed source address IP packets | 源地址验证测量程序,用于测量对欺骗性源地址 IP 数据包的敏感性 | 2005 | 2018 | Security | N/A | text report, HTML report | GNU GPL v3+ |
straightenRV | Patrick Verkaik | Parses and processes Route Views tables for ease of analysis | 解析并处理 Route Views 表以简化分析 | 2002 | 2009 | Topology: Data Analysis | statistics | text report (e.g., prefix to AS maps, AS paths, etc), machine-parseable data file | Research-use License |
topostats | Young Hyun | Computes various statistics on network topologies | 计算有关网络拓扑的各种统计信息 | 2010 | 2010 | Topology | text input (e.g., AS link pairs) | text report, no graphs | GNU GPL v3 |
Vela | Young Hyun | On-demand topology measurement service of CAIDA's Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure | CAIDA Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure 的拓扑测量服务 | 2012 | 2017 | Topology | web interface | HTML and graph reports | GNU GPL v3+ |
Walrus | Young Hyun | Visualizes large graphs in three-dimensional space | 在三维空间中可视化大型图形 | 2001 | 2005 | Topology: Visualization | LibSea graph format files | interactive 3D graph | GNU GPL v2 |